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Let AI Marketers Bring You New Clients

AI Outreach + AI SMM automates social media presence and outreach to target leads, helping your business thrive with minimal effort.
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AI leadgen manager for linkedin and email

Tailored for Small B2B Businesses

Perfect for consultants, small outsourcing and outstaffing companies, software and hardware startups, and more.

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Generate 5-15 sales opportunities each month


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At $339/month, the most affordable option in the market

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Spend only up to 2 hours per month


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Automated, up-to-date social media management on LinkedIn and Twitter.

AI SMM Raises Your Sales Ranking and Organic Reach

  • Boost Organic Reach: Enhance the visibility of your posts, making it easier for potential clients to discover your content.

  • Increase Social Selling Index: Improve your Social Selling Index (SSI), allowing you to send more invitations to targeted leads.

  • Build Long-term Recognition: Create relevant and product-focused content that builds your brand's recognition over time.

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AI Lead Generation Bot Target Your Leads on LinkedIn and Email

  • 500 Targeted Leads Monthly: based on your Ideal Client Profile.

  • Multi-Channel Communication: Combine LinkedIn and email outreach to increase your chances of positive responses.

  • Hassle-Free Infrastructure: No need to set up your own mailing system or worry about getting banned.

  • Monthly Opportunities: Generate 5-15 potential clients each month—your success depends on your follow-up.

autonomous AI outreach manager

Five Simple Steps to Use MarketOwl

Ai marketing strategy, Marketing strategy ai, Marketing strategy platform, Social media marketing and strategy, Social media marketing strategy, Social media marketing strategy for business
1st Step: Describe Your Product
Just describe what you're selling, and our AI will start crafting your marketing strategy.
2nd stepCreate a content marketing strategy, Content digital marketing strategy, Content marketing strategy in digital marketing, Content strategy for digital marketing, Content strategy in digital marketing

2nd Step: Get and Approve Your Marketing Strategy
Receive a tailored marketing strategy and confirm your target audience segments

3rd Step: Content Review

3rd Step: Content Review
Set up LinkedIn and Twitter content ahead of time; update with current news.

lead gen manager

4th Step: Lead Generation Campaigns
Configure lead generation campaigns based on your communication preferences.

Monthly Check-ins
5th Step: Monthly Check-ins
Spend up to 1 hour/month reviewing content and a few hours interacting with potential clients.

Unique, Super-Personalized Emails

Each email is crafted using detailed information from the lead's profile and their online activity, making every message highly personalized and relevant.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why is the combination of branding and lead generation marketing effective?

Combining brand awareness with lead generation reduces the cost per lead by at least 40%, making it an ideal start for B2B marketing.

How does the B2B AI Marketing package generate sales opportunities?

We create marketing strategy, define your ideal customer profile (ICP), and generate content addressing their pain points. Our lead generation manager then engages with these leads to identify potential clients.

What kind of content is created for social media?

Content focuses on solving your audience's pain points with your product and includes relevant news and media comments. MarketOwl ensures consistent posting (once a week on LinkedIn and up to three times a day on Twitter) to boost organic reach and engagement.

What do I need to spend time on?

At the start of each month, create product-related content. Throughout the month, review and approve news comments for daily posts, respond to interested leads, and track new booked calls if using meeting links.

How are leads generated and targeted?

We use data aggregators like LinkedIn, Apollo, and Lusha to gather 500 highly targeted leads each month, sending relevant messages through email and LinkedIn.

How does the outreach process work?

We combine email and LinkedIn messaging to increase the chances of getting a response from leads.

Is there a trial period available?

A 10-day trial is available for the AI Social Media Manager to help you create your initial strategy and define target audience segments before applying for the AI Lead Generation Manager.

How do I review and approve content?

Scheduled content will be in the "Posts" section a month in advance. Anything that remains there is considered approved. Current news content will be emailed to you for review.

How personalized are the outreach emails?

Emails are personalized based on the lead's profile data, job position, description, work experience, and recent posts.

What results can I expect in terms of lead generation and sales?

After the first month, expect an average of 5-15 sales opportunities, indicating leads interested in your product.

Can I manage multiple accounts with this service?

You can manage multiple content strategies for different accounts and business pages on social media. For email outreach, we create our infrastructure, and LinkedIn outreach currently supports one account per product.

What kind of support is available for users?

Online chat support is available to assist with any questions or issues.